
A View into the World of Commercial Mortgage Brokering

A Publication of the AMG Commercial Mortgage Group

Outlooks is a in-house quarterly newsletter, published by AMG Commercial Mortgage Group, and its editor, Anthony M. Gramza. The current circulation numbers approximately 400, and is distributed to existing and new clients, members of the legal and accounting profession, bankers, and real estate/mortgage brokers.

The publication contains articles written by both the editor as well as featured guest writers, all who have some particular interest or experience in real estate or finance. Various articles are featured in each issue that deal with the current marketplace, the economy, and in some cases, forecasting for the following three (3) to six (6) months.

In addition to a listing of current and updated rates, terms and conditions offered by lenders represented by AMG Commercial Mortgage Group, the publication provides a current presentation, sometimes referred as "tombstones", of completed transactions on behalf of the clientele of AMG Commercial Mortgage Group.

Interested parties may request past issues as well as the opportunity to be added to the current mailing list. There is no fee for this publication, and it is offered to interested parties as an educational service of AMG Commercial Mortgage Group.

Viewing, Saving and Printing

The Outlooks is also available for viewing in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format on-line. See the column to the right to initiate a download of Outlooks in PDF format.

You WILL NEED the latest version of Adobe Acrobat to view and print. Acrobat works with your existing Web browser. All you need to instantly access Portable Document Format (PDF) files on the WWW is the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software, which can be downloaded from the Adobe web site. (click the image below)

If you wish to save the PDF to hard disk (Recommended):
Right click on the Outlooks cover image (at right). Once the pop-up menu appears, go to SAVE TARGET AS, and save to your hard disk.

To print the page (once loaded in browser):
Once the image is clicked and the PDF is loaded into the web browser simply go to task bar that appears and press - PRINT.

Spring 2021'
In this Issue:

  • 1) Do We Have a Choice?
  • 2) The Marketplace Today
  • 3) Domestic & International Financing
  • 4) Our Appreciation…

Contact Us Today!

The AMG Commercial Mortgage Group services their clients by obtaining the best financing available for the specific product, as well as advising on the sale or the purchase of commercial real estate, anywhere in the United States.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Accolades from our current and past clients are available to any individual upon request.